Main Street Alliance adds input on new ‘heart’ of city

Representatives of 30 Sandy Springs commercial and retail property owners, organized as the Main Street Alliance, presented a vision for developing a downtown heart for the city to Sandy Springs City Council on Sept. 7. Mayor Eva Galambos declared it to be “the beginning of a new world.”… Along with Morganstern, who is former chair of the Sandy Springs/Perimeter Chamber, the Alliance members presenting to the mayor and council were: Alliance chairman Lonnie Mimms, whose company owns 485,243 square feet of retail space in four shopping centers on 40.65 acres in the city; Patti Pearlberg, vice president of Coro Realty Advisors, which owns two shopping centers in the designated area with a total of 160,324 square feet on 18,5 acres; Jan Saperstein, general partner of Sandy Springs Plaza shopping center, who controls 126,000 square feet of retail space on 8.72 acres in the heart of the city; and Kirk Demetrops, partner in Mid City Partners and former president of The Griffin Company, who controls 85,556 square feet of space on 5.24 acres on Roswell Road where the Bank of America building is located… Originally Published in the Sandy Springs Reporter Read More...

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Downtown’s traffic troubles call for circular logic

I don’t want to see Sandy Springs going around in circles about how to deal with traffic problems. However, I would like the city to seriously consider roundabouts (also known as traffic circles) and maybe even some jug handles. I will explain that just a little later. But first, an explanation of how all this came up. We recently held a panel discussion that included three commercial/retail developers (Lonnie Mimms, CEO of Mimms Enterprises; Jan Saperstein, owner of Sandy Springs Plaza; and Kirk Demetrops, principal of MidCity Real Estate Partners), Nancy Leathers, director of Community Development for Sandy Springs, and Trisha Thompson, zoning chair for the Sandy Springs Council of Neighborhoods… Originally Published in the Sandy Springs Reporter Read More...

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Downtown property owners form Alliance

An informal group of a dozen or more Roswell Road property owners have been meeting for about six months seeking to discover “the heart” of Sandy Springs and develop a vision for the city’s downtown or “main street.”… “Sandy Springs has the basic services, but we are looking for that next step up—some place you take your brother who comes in from out of town, the sense of community, the social interaction,” said Kirk Demetrops, principal of MidCity Real Estate Partners. “That is really the next step. It is not just retail. It is the office above it, the residential next to it…” Originally Published in the Sandy Springs Reporter Read More...

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Pole Position

A recent run of good-sized deals and an improving vacancy picture have breathed new life into the once-moribund Central Perimeter office market. As a result, there’s more than one developer waiting for the right moment to start a new project — not necessarily wanting to build without an anchor tenant, but also not wanting to miss the boat altogether. The Griffin Co. Senior Vice President Kirk Demetrops said there is a lot of excitement about the Central Perimeter, which has 26 million square feet of office space… Originally Published in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Read More...

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New financing to fuel Songy Partners’ growth

Songy Partners has raised about $25 million in a private placement and isn’t nearly so “limited” anymore in either name or scope. In return for the proceeds, the Atlanta-based real estate investment company has sold a minority interest in the company and has changed its name from Songy Partners Ltd. to Songy Partners LLC… The Griffin Co. has sold both floors of 50 Old Ivy, its 11,600-square-foot boutique office condominium. Located at the intersection of Old Ivy and Habersham roads near Piedmont Road, 50 Old Ivy is the final phase of a redevelopment that included the renovation of two neighboring buildings… Originally Published in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Read More...

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